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ethnic groups in upper east region of ghana

The national inter-censal growth rate is far higher than that of the region. While the giant was fighting the last man one night, a woman entered and danced deftly to divert everyone's attention away from the fight. Linkages of district capitals are poor and in some cases not operational e.g. The magnitude of the drop however, differs significantly between districts. Among the districts, Bolgatanga (27.7%) has the highest effective literacy level with 34.2 per cent for males and 22.0 for females. From age 20, ablebodied persons begin to migrate and some may return after age 64. With only 21 per cent of the population living in urban areas, the region is the least urbanized in Ghana. Administratively, the region is divided into fifteen districts, which correspond roughly with the main tribal groupings. Demographics - Population About 56 per cent (55.7 percent) of the labour force is below 35 years. EN. The composition of households shows that the proportion of heads of households varies from 11.4 per cent in the Bawku East, to 19.2 per cent in the Builsa, and that of spouses of heads of households, ranges from 8.9 per cent in the Bongo, to 13.3 per cent in the Bawku East, District. Crops like millet, onion, and tomato are widely grown there. Household heads in the region and in all the districts are mostly in the late adult ages. Check your inbox to be the first to know the hottest news. High bacteriological contamination is prevalent across all districts in the region with high fluoride content in most parts of Bongo district and some part of Bolgantaga municipal assembly. Danish (includes Greenlandic (who are predominantly Inuit) and Faroese) 85.6%, Turkish 1.1%, other 13.3% (largest groups are Polish, Syrian, Romanian, German, and Iraqi) (2022 est.) It is only in Bongo where the corresponding figure is 79.6 per cent of those aged 12-14 years. Mobile telephone services are available in only a limited number of localities, with Spacefon and Ghana Telecoms One Touch systems operating from Bawku, Bolgatanga and Navrongo. For the remaining households, the facilities available include a gutter in front of the house (21.1%) on the street/path in front of the house (39%) and the compound of the house (34.6%), (Ghana Statistical Service, 2002). The excess of females has implications for agriculture and food production given the known traditional male control of access to land and landownership in the region. Among notable Upper East Region towns are Zebilla, Bawku, Paga, and Navrongo. Bawku West is the least endowed, having only 3.7 per cent of all medical staff, followed by Bongo with 4.2 percent. In each district, about 30 per cent of the households are large (6-8 persons). Together, the three account for between 88.3 per cent and 96.0 per cent of the working population in the districts. The Ministry of Healths accessibility policy goal is to provide health facilities within a travel distance not exceeding 8 kilometres. The lower proportion of males who have ever married also reflects the fact that men are more likely than women to postpone marriage since traditional practices expect the man to initiate the marriage by paying the bride price and the responsibility for family maintenance. These themes included were: inadequate infrastructure (lack of bed and . Eastern. The KPLE dance is performed to communicate with the gods and bring good fortune to the people. Transitional Developments And New Socio-Political And Security Dynamics In Northern Mali. The phenomenon of working children (i.e. For example, of the households using nine or more sleeping rooms in Bawku West, 58.8 per cent have nine or more members. At the regional level age-sex ratios drop sharply from a high of about 110 males in the age group 15-19 years to below 90 males in the age group 20-24 years. This is far lower than the national figure of 6.7 percent. The main industrial activities are agriculture including hunting, forestry and fishing (92.8%), wholesale and retail trade (2.1%), private household (2.2%) and wholesale and retail trade (2.1%). Erosion is a problem. Even in Kassena-Nankana where the White Fathers opened their first mission station at Navrongo in 1906, 55.4 per cent are traditionalists. Among the main ethnic groups discussed in the survey are: . The proportion literate in a Ghanaian language varies from 3.5 per cent in the Bawku West, to 11.9 per cent in the Kassena-Nankana, District. Very few are apprentices (2.0%) or employees (2.5%). 5. The main features of the predominantly traditional architecture are round huts with flat roofs and small windows with poor ventilation. Housing quality is far poorer in the region than for the country. Almost all households in the region (97.5%) have some cooking space within the premises of the housing unit, and 82.8 per cent use a space provided for bathing within the house. Garu increased from 3,104 in 1984 to 5,057 in 2000, while Pusiga grew from 1,125 to 6,823 over the same period. When the household disposes solid waste indiscriminately in the bush, along streets, at abandoned or uncompleted building sites or riverbanks, the method is termed Dumped Elsewhere. Payment rate has risen to 87.48% from a target of 85%. The methods of waste disposal (both solid and liquid waste) are also not environmentally sound. The volume of migration is generally low for both migration within the region and migration from outside the region. For example 45.8 per cent at the national level attained up to middle/JSS, while at the regional level it is 22.7 percent. Agriculture is the number one industry with proportions ranging from 51.6 per cent in the Bolgatanga, to 85.3 per cent in the Bawku West, District. About fifty per cent (52.5%) of households pour their liquid waste on the street or outside; another 35.7 per cent pour the waste in the compound. Ethnicity and languages The major ethnic groups in Upper East fall under the broad categories of Mole Dagbon (74.5%), Grusi (8.5%), Mande-Busanga (6.2%) and Gurma (3.2%). Public toilets are not even widely used in the region. The proportion unemployed (20.1%) is higher than that of those who had job but did not work (12.2%). The Bongo Health Centre is in the process of being upgraded into a district hospital. What is the population of Ghana by religion? Nearly a third (29.7%) of localities are 25 kilometres or more from a hospital. For the country as a whole, only 16.5 per cent of households have a means of burning or burying the waste. sewerage system). What is the largest ethnic group in Ghana? The values of the indicators show that most of the demographic characteristics of the districts are very similar to the regional pattern. This should be a matter of great concern. The situation is not different for the districts in the region. The proportion of males aged 0-19 years (56.3%) is higher than that for females (49.0%). Bawku West. Market-leading rankings and editorial commentary - see the top law firms & lawyers for Banking and finance: transactional work in France The age structure of the region differs slightly from the national picture in terms of the broad age groups 0-14 years, 15-64 years, and 65 years and older. Until 1984, Burkina Faso, meaning "Land of Incorruptible People" was known as . Basal sandstones underlie the South Central to South Eastern parts of the region. In the districts, the proportion literate in a Ghanaian language ranges from 0.5 per cent of the population aged 15 years and older in Bawku West to 2.6 per cent in Bongo. Production and transport equipment workers constitute a substantial second in all districts except Bawku East, where sales workers are the second major occupation. 1. Lack of capacity building for technical staff on submersible pump control panels. The head of household is usually a male. The three major occupations in the districts are Agriculture and related workers, Sales workers, and Production and Transport Equipment workers. This observation is true for both males and females. The not economically active (aged 15 years and older). As for the ethnic groups and tribes in the Upper East Region of Ghana, there are seven major ethnic groups and more than eight languages. Communities with no light whatsoever range from 1 per cent in Builsa to 3.5 per cent in Bongo. The working children in the district are all in the informal sector (73.0% private informal and 27.0% other); there are no working children in the formal sector. The population of the region is 920,089, which is less than one twentieth (4.9%) of the national population. On the basis of this ideal situation, it would be appropriate to state that one to three person households would be expected to have at least one sleeping room, 4-6 households, at least two sleeping rooms, 7-9 person households at least three sleeping rooms and ten or more person households, at least four sleeping rooms. The region is bordered on the north by the Upper West and Upper East region, on the east by Togo, on the south by Brong Ahafo and Volta regions, and on the west by Cte d'Ivoire. The capital is Bolgatanga, sometimes referred to as 'Bolga'. Bawku East is the most mixed district in terms of ethnic groups. Bolgatanga The three main occupations among working children in Bolgatanga are agriculture and related occupations (61.5%), production and transport equipment work (23.1%) and service work (10.3%); about 4.5 per cent are sales workers. Bolga market - a market for farmers and livestock, held twice weekly. These changes in the age structure of the labour force need to be taken into account in formulating short/medium and long-term policies and planned programmes. Ghana is one of the few African countries that do not require a visa to visit. Volta, Northern, Upper East and Upper . They must be housed, fed, clothed, educated and provided with health care and other services that either take a long time to yield dividends or have no immediate bearing on economic growth. Waste disposal facilities The use of firewood and charcoal has resulted in an increasing depletion of the vegetation cover in the region, with the associated negative impact on rainfall and farming. 31.6 per cent of households use well water for drinking and the remaining households (18.1%) depend on natural and man-made water sources such as spring, river/stream, rain water and dugout to collect rain water. The Mossi are the most predominant ethnic group in Burkina Fasso, West Africa. The Builsa, who constitute 7.6 per cent of the regions population, make up 84.1 per cent of the population of Builsa. It is higher than 10 per cent in only the 3 more urbanised districts of Kasesena- Nankana (10.1%), Bolgatanga (20.3%) and Bawku East (11.7%). The age structure for the sexes shows that, in the Region, there are more females 540,149 (51.6%) than males 506,405 (48.4%) in 2010; this is similar to the national proportion of 51.2 percent females. Half of the population in Pusiga, Chiana, Zebilla, and Sandema are not covered. Thus, even the regional capital district (Bolgatanga) does not show much difference from the total regional picture. The proportion is higher than the regional average (79.5%) in Builsa, Kassena-Nankana and Bongo. Employees (1.2%) and apprentices (1.1%) are not significant groups among working children. Nowadays, however, it is performed by men dressed as women. (3) "Frafra"; Nankani, Talni, Bulsa, Nabit, Kusaal, and Grusi of Upper East Region. Each district is administered by a Municipal/District Assembly headed by a Chief Executive nominated by the President and approved by a two-thirds majority of the Assembly Members present and voting. Dependency on all remaining sources of water is above 10 per cent in all the districts, with 13.4 per cent in Builsa as the lowest proportion and 20.0 per cent in Bawku East as the highest. The second major religion is Christianity, constituting of 28.3 percent; it is not predominant in any district. The amount of rainfall recorded annually varies between 750mm and 1050mm. Five regions constitute the savannah enclave of Ghana which is often referred to as the north, home to more than 30 ethnic groups but often treated as a homogeneous bloc because of the north-south . Ethnic groups in Ghana make up the majority of the country's inhabitants. There are other health improvement programmes for the physically challenged and other vulnerable groups. In the region as a whole, many people must be relying on traditional medical practitioners to meet a substantial portion of their primary health care needs. Many of the dates are not set by the chieftancy until very close to the festival date, so it is best to try to confirm the exact date of any festival you are planning to attend. For females, the level is below 80 per cent in Kassena-Nankana (78.6%), Bolgatanga (76.3%) and Bongo (74.9%). The municipality's dominant occupation is agriculture, and crops like groundnuts, sorghum, maize, millet, rice, onion, and pepper are majorly grown there. Among the households with two sleeping rooms, about one in eight (12.6%) can be classified as over-crowded and only 3.4 per cent of households occupying three sleeping rooms are considered as over-crowded compared to the regional proportion of about 9 percent. Additionally, thatch from grass, wood or mud/mud bricks account for over 75.0 per cent of material for roof in every district. Chiana, Binaba-Kusanaba and Pusiga do not have permanent water system staff offices. Employees and the self-employed with employees (who could be taxed at source) make up less than a tenth in every district except the Kassena-Nankana (10.5%) and Bolgatanga (13.8%). Among the main ethnic groups discussed in the survey are: (1) Dagbani - Nanuni and Moore;Gurma of Northern Region; (2) Dagaare; Wali- Birifor of Upper West Region; and. About a third (29.5%) are in Bawku East, a further 29.4 per cent in Bolgatanga and 17 per cent in Kassena- Nankana. Its administrative capital is Binduri, and it shares boundaries with Garu-Tempane to the South and East, Bawku municipal to the North, and Bawku West district to the West. 45 seconds. The Upper West Region districts, tribes, languages, cultural activities. 1975. This rock formation is considered to be of shallow water continental origin, derived from the Birimian granitic complexes and has been subjected to low-grade metamorphism. These crafts, varied as they are, include, pottery, basketry and smock weaving which is done at areas like Namoo, Zokko, Navrongo and Paga. The districts are autonomous with regard to the planning, budgeting and implementation of projects. The characteristics of the districts (demographic, social, economic, housing conditions and community facilities) in these three northern regions therefore need to be taken into account in deciding on the broad areas for policy strategies and interventions. No facility means that there is no toilet facility of any kind available for the use of the household and the household members use places other than the above-mentioned, including the bush, field, rivers or streams. The other significant observation about the age-sex structure is that in the adult age group 20-44, the excess of females over males is higher in Bongo (35.8%), Bawku West (35.8%) and Bawku East (29.9%) than what is observed in the region (25.0%) as a whole. In view of the fact that current publications effectively exclude the proportion literate in Ghanaian language only, greater efforts need to be made to translate very useful reading communication materials as well as publish newspapers in Ghanaian languages. The total number of sleeping rooms used by households and the total number of household members can be used to measure the extent of over crowding. The proportion ranges from 68.6 per cent in Kassena- Nankana to 87.6 per cent in Bongo followed by 83.5 per cent in Builsa. Three out of four (74.0%) working children are in the private informal sector. These are also the three major industrial activities at the regional level except that the order is changed: agriculture, including hunting, forestry and related work (67.2%), manufacturing (11.3%) and wholesale and retail trade (9.6%), and they contribute a much higher proportion (88.1%) of industrial activities. The population aged 30-44 years who are likely to have considerable work experience constitute between 26.2 and 27.9 per cent of the economically active population in the districts. Psychologist advises bondholders to look up to Higher Being in Domestic Court remands two persons for destroying teachers farmland, Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital ordered to refund GH36,000 unearned salaries. The Ga-Adangbe are organized into clans based on patrilineal descent. Distribution of institutional sector by sex shows that the private informal sector remains the largest employer of the working population for both males and females in every district. At the district level, Bawku East has the highest proportion (77.3%) of the 6 years and older who have never attended school (91.3% males and 82.7% females). About a tenth of economically active persons are either unpaid family workers (6.6%) or apprentices (3.7). The proportion is highest in Bawku East (33.3%), followed by Kassena-Nankana (24.0%) and Bawku West (23.6%), while it is lowest in Bongo (3.3%). In the region, however, 84.6 per cent use the kerosene lamp. Ninety two per cent of the males and the same proportion of the females aged 12-14 are never married. The proportion ranges between 1.9 per cent in Bawku West and 18.0 per cent in Bongo for males and between 6.0 per cent in Bawku West and 32.9 per cent in Bongo for females. There are also more households occupying seven or more rooms in the region (21%) than in the country (8.6%) as a whole. The Vagala with 1.1 per cent of the regions population has concentration above the regional value in only Bawku West (4.7%) and Bawku East (2.1%). The proportion of the regions educated population that have primary or middle/JSS as the highest level of education they attained (68.9%) is rather large, and poses a great challenge for the full implementation of the fCUBE and other education improvement programmes. The Eastern Region - Koforidua. Bonsi-Bongo The paper examines conflicts in Northern and Upper East regions of Ghana from the perspective of identity crisis in an ethnically heterogeneous section of the country. As already indicated, small -scale industries constitute the most important industries in the region. ENABLE Youth 1D1F and Bongo (shea) are two of the factories located in the community. Contrary to the popular perception that children are used as househelp, child domestic employees make up only 3 per cent while other employees make up 1.7 percent. The Akan tribe consists of Fante, Asante, Akyem, Ahanta, Akwamu, Bono, Safwi, Akwapim, and Kwahu subgroups. The proportion of households using electricity as the main source of lighting is about one-half the regional average in three districts, Builsa, Bongo and Bawku West and above the regional average in the Bolgatanga, and Bawku East, Districts. Navrongo also has a Health Research Centre. 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Steve Wilkos Spouse, Articles E

ethnic groups in upper east region of ghana